US Companies as Goodwill Ambassadors to China

The American Chamber of Commerce in South China (AmCham South China) recently brought a group of more than 100 executives from multinational corporations to Chang Yuan Village to deliver material support to the impoverished villagers.

Under the administration of Meizhou City, Chang Yuan Village has a population of 3,125 individuals, approximately 20 percent of whom are “poverty-stricken” by official measurements. AmCham South China’s collection efforts have resulted in material worth over RMB 750,000, including clothing, bedding, hygiene products, educational materials and toys.

AmCham South China’s mission to the village was augmented by a team of medical professionals from the Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center, who offered free on-site medical checkups and consultations to the villagers. Also, to achieve sustainable development, potential investors and experts were invited to join the delegation for investment inspection during the visit to the village.

As part of its overall charity activities this year, AmCham South China also coordinated the donation of more than RMB 500,000 in cash to the Guangzhou Youth Development Foundation which was donated by chamber member Mead Johnson Nutrition alone; these funds will be used to save lives of orphaned children in need of immediate life saving surgery, help raise Chang Yuan Village above the poverty line and help build safe water facility for a village in Guizhou.

This is the third consecutive year that AmCham South China has collected donations on behalf of impoverished villages in the relatively affluent Guangdong Province and the first year the chamber cooperating with Guangzhou Charity Association for the program. Last three years’ effort channeled donations total valued at over RMB 5 million